Fold Equity – the factors you need to take into account

To determine how much Fold Equity AI, there are a few factors that you must always consider, before calling on a play. We will explain them on the other hand.
Your image at the game table
As simple as you can: the more you evolve and get involved in fewer hands, the larger you will have a larger fold. The opponents will assume, knowing that you have a small hand rank you use, that you have a good, strong hand.
In contrast, if you display a Loose style, with many pre-flow rays and C-Bets or increased aggression after the appearance of common books, a bet now cannot be considered credible. As a result, it will undoubtedly reduce the folded equity.
Equally, it matters against whom you try to make the bet. Is your opponent capable of folding or did you notice that they are leaving hard for pots? Does his blinds defend at any cost? If you are dealing with opponents such as “Calling Station”, the Fold Equity will certainly be much smaller.
Instead, try tight players, whom you saw available to give up the Top Pair, if they have a small kicker. Or against those who give up their hand on the appearance of a “scare card”. Against analytical players, who want mathematics to always be on their side, you will always have a good fold equity.
Rage of opponents
In close connection with the image of others, it is the correct identification of the hand ranges with which they are involved in pots. Depending on the board, you will know if there is a possibility to have something or rather are weak. “From all the hands that are in the range of my opponent, how many of them will fold to the reality now? “. Find the correct answer and you will find out how big you have in each case the Fold Equity.
Your position at the poker table
The position at the table is more important than the hands to start, but this is known by all those who have experience and value. Generally, a raise made by you from the Early Position will accumulate more Fold Equity than if you make the same move from Button, for example. Because in the second case you have a position, and the others will consider that there is a chance to try to steal. A bet in out of position gives more credibility and many will fold with good books. As you are at the late position, the Fold Equity will be smaller, because the opponents will think you are trying to become creative. As such, with the same book in your hand you could proceed differently, depending on your position: in one case to fold without regret, in another to pay to see a flop and to prevent you from making a habit of “Steal” blinds.
It should be mentioned that in some cases enough will surely respect your position and do not want to enter into pots with you when the former acts after the appearance of common books. This contradicts a little what I said earlier, but in the long term the specialists have established that a player has a larger fold with an Early Raise.
Dimension of stacks

Within the poker tournaments, the size of the stacks becomes more important as the blinds grow, a report will always be made between the files and the size of the blinds. If you or the opponent have a stack of less than 40 Big blinds, not only do you have to think about the eventual BET, but you will need to anticipate future betting rounds, because you may be to play for All the chips.
Thus, by referring to our discussion, insofar as you have a respectable stack, you can frequently put pressure on the opponents with few sheets, knowing that they will enter much less rarely. They will want to protect themselves and will only be involved when they have a good hand. As such, in such situations, the chances of them to fold are great and you have to take advantage. Against the counter-part, if your stack is small, you do not have much maneuver and you should not take into account the fold equity. For the simple fact that for a big stack the effort to go to a bet done by you is not huge: even if it does not hold the best hand, the other could get involved, in the hope that it will manage to cause you to fold the next /the following streets.
Another discussion applies in tournaments if a short-stand raises, but it remains with some big blinds in front. A re-ray here will not have a lot of fold equity, obviously, because your opponent is so “small” that he no longer allows to give up the hand in which he has been involved. Similarly, pushing all-in pre-flop against a medium stack (you own more sheets), you will have a large equity. That opponent would have to play for all his chips and you represent a monster hand. As such, although he has invested in Pot, he has enough sheets to wait for other favorable moments instead of gambling for his entire stack.
Number of opponents
As you certainly realized, if you have elementary knowledge about poker, the more people in Pot, the smaller the fold of the equity you own. The chances of call or for someone to come up with a three bet at your raise increase directly with the number of players in hand.
Many call for Raise from the Late Position to punish those who only gave Limp, and then relying on a continuation Bet to throw them. The movement can sometimes be correct, but the success rate will go hand in hand with the number of opponents left in Pot: given that you are dealing with more opponents, do not have a too high fold equity.
The texture of the board

In addition to the fact that you have to be careful about what books are lowered by the dealer, so as to identify if they can be in the opponent’s range, which has thus completed a strong hand, you must also consider in What measure the story you are trying to sell is binding.
So, if you simply decide to bluff on the river, in an I can seem to have completed anything, it is less likely to believe your story. The most favorable moments, in which you have Fold Equity, are those in which Scare Cards appear, which may have completed a strong hand. Do not try a random bluff, without the opponents understanding your movement, without them putting you on an obvious hand, because you will have a low equity.
Tournament time
If you are a tour player, the beta or the raise made will have significantly more fold equity on Bubble, whether we are talking about the moment preceding ITM (into the money) or we refer to the final meal. The perspective of entry into money, respectively the significant jumps in the prizes once they reach the final table make most play much tight and take less risks. At such times, you have a big fold for any aggressive action.